Minnesota State Capitol Virtual Tour

Can’t visit us in person? ​​Connect with the Minnesota State Capitol from the comfort of your own home!

The State Capitol Historic Site interprets the history of the Capitol and state government, both historical and current. The Capitol teaches the political process and inspires citizen participation in government.

The Capitol became part of the Minnesota Historical Society's historic site program in 1969. MNHS is responsible for the Capitol's furnishings and artwork, and oversees preservation work, leads tours of the building, and provides special events and educational programs.

As stewards of the historic building, the Capitol staff strive to preserve and restore Cass Gilbert's original architecture and artistic vision for future generations.

The Minnesota State Capitol was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972.

Virtual tour tips

  • To look around, click and hold on the mouse or touchpad. Then move the mouse or a finger on the touchpad to the left, right, up or down to shift the view.
  • To move on to another area, find a circled arrow and place the navigation hand on it. Words will appear describing where it leads. Click on the symbol to proceed.
  • Visitors can also move on to another area by clicking on the thumbnail photos located below the main tour view.
  • Fun facts and notable features are highlighted by an “i” enclosed in a circle.
  • If you don't see the virtual tour, please refresh the page.

Minnesota State Capitol — Full Tour

Quadriga Tour

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