Hmong in Minnesota

Minnesota Historical Society resources about the history and culture of Minnesota’s Hmong people.

The Hmong — a distinct ethnic group with ancient roots in China—began coming to Minnesota in 1975 as refugees from the destructive wars that had ravaged their homelands in Laos. Today, there are more than 66,000 Hmong in Minnesota, and the Twin Cities metro is home to the largest concentration of Hmong in America. 

For decades, the Hmong have made a profound impact on their adopted home of Minnesota. Over the years, MNHS has collaborated with the community to document this remarkable story by collecting oral histories, images, and artifacts, and by publishing books and articles on the Hmong experience.

Hmong Timeline | Hmong Women In Minnesota Timeline

Koomhaum Minnesota Historical Society cov khoom qhia txog keeb kwm thiab kab lis kev cai ntawm cov Hmoob nyob hauv Minnesota.

Hmoob—yog ib haiv neeg uas muaj keebkwm puag Suav Teb los—pib tsiv teb tsaws chaw tuaj rau xeev Minnesota nyob xyoo 1975 ua neeg thojnam los ntawm kev tsov rog uas tau tsim kev kub ntxhov rau lawv lub teb lub chaw nyob Lostsuas. Niaj hnub nim no, muaj coob tshaj 66,000 leej neeg Hmoob nyob hauv Minnesota, thiab nyob hauv Nroog Ntxaib yog thaj chaw uas cov Hmoob nyob Meskas Teb coob tshaj.

Tau ntau lub xyoo, Hmoob tau muaj txiaj ntsim rau lawv lub neej tshiab nyob hauv Minnesota. Tau ntau xyoo los no, lub koomhaum MNHS tau koom tes nrog rau lub zej lub zos los zwm cia Hmoob zaj dab neeg uas siv kev tshawb fawb kaw cov lus cia, khaws cov duab thiab teej tug, nrog rau kev luam tawm tej phau ntawv thiab ntaub ntawv sau txog Hmoob lub neej.

Explore the collections

We collect and share artifacts, photographs, and publications that tell the story of the Hmong in Minnesota. Find out how to donate an item to the MNHS collections.

Tshawb Saib Cov Khoom Teej Tug

Peb khaws thiab qhia txog cov qub txeeg qub teg, cov duab thiab ntaub ntawv txog Hmoob zaj dab neeg nyob Minnesota. Yog koj muaj qee yam xav muab pub tuaj rau peb, thov koj pab muab sau daim ntawv no kom tiav.

Image of the History Center library.

Library Resources

The Minnesota History Center’s Gale Family Library is free and open to the public and contains many books and articles about the Hmong Community.

Research guide | Visiting the library

Chaw Nyeem Ntawv

Koomhaum Minnesota History Center lub chaw nyeem ntawv Gale Family Library yog ib qhov chaw qhib dawb thiab muaj ntau cov ntaub ntawv hais txog haiv neeg Hmoob.

Kev pab tshawb | Tuaj saib chaw saib ntawvy
Collage of three Minnesota History magazines.


The online encyclopedia MNopedia and the magazine Minnesota History both offer articles that document the experiences of Hmong people in Minnesota.

MNopedia | Minnesota History Magazine

Cov Ntaub Ntawv

Lub vassab teeb lus txhij hu ua MNopedia thiab phau ntawv Minnesota History yog ob yam uas khaws sau kom muaj ntaub ntawv txog Hmoob lub neej nyob Minnesota.

Chaw sau txog Minnesota cov neeg lub neej | Ntaub ntawv keeb kwm Minnesota
Collage of Hmong related books.

MNHS Press Publications

Hmong studies books from MNHS Press.

Hmong books

MNHS Chaw Luam Ntaub Ntawv

Cov ntaub ntawv txog Hmoob uas MNHS Press tau luam tawm.

Ntawv hais txog Hmoob
Legacy amendment logo.

Legacy Amendment Projects

Legacy Amendment grants provide funding for projects of enduring value that preserve and share Minnesota's history and cultural heritage.

Find Hmong-related legacy projects | Apply for a Legacy grant through MNHS

Homphiaj Ntawm Legacy Amendment Projects

Cov nyiaj los ntawm Legacy Amendment no yog los pab txhawb nqa yam muaj nuj nqis uas yuav zwm cia thiab nthuav tawm txog Minnesota li keeb kwm thiab lub neej txheej thaum ub.

Nrhiav Legacy cov khoom tswm sib txog Hmoob | Kev pab nrhiav nyiaj