early 19th century dancers

Early 19th Century Social Dance and Live Music


200 Tower Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55111
United States

612-726-1171 | ftsnelling@mnhs.org


Regular site admission. RSVP to ftsnelling@mnhs.org with the subject line "Dance".

About This Event

Bring your eagerness to learn and enthusiasm for dance to Historic Fort Snelling!

Learn the Mad Robin, a longways country dance similar to those common at early 19th century social gatherings. No previous dance experience needed. Warm up and have fun indoors in with us! Tea will be provided after the dance for those wishing stay a while and enjoy a beverage. Dancers will be accompanied by members of the Historic Fort Snelling Fifes and Drums.

Each session is one hour. Ages 16 and over. Space is limited to 16 participants per session. Cost is included with site admission. 

Email to register at ftsnelling@mnhs.org with the subject line "Dance".

Please wear rubber, foam, or soft leather soled shoes—something friendly to antique wood flooring! (No wood or metal.)

Historical dress is welcome, if you choose, but by no means required!

Event Type:
  • Music, Films, Performances


Regular site admission. RSVP to ftsnelling@mnhs.org with the subject line "Dance".