Historical dress timeline

Coffee Chat: Women's Fashion through the Ages


200 Tower Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55111
United States

612-726-1171 | ftsnelling@mnhs.org


Regular site admission

About This Event

Join us for a complimentary cup of coffee at this informal presentation and discussion, part of our "Coffee Chats" series covering many aspects of Fort history.

Through its history as a military post, women have always been present in various capacities. As women's roles changed, so did their styles of dress. We will look at examples of women's clothing from the 1820s through the 1940s, including original and reproduction garments. Through the lens of fashion, we'll talk about what major events and cultural shifts influenced change and shaped what women wear today.

Be sure to check out our additional program topics and dates linked on the right of this page.

Event Type:
  • Lectures & Talks


Regular site admission